
Jag saknar matlagningsinspiration. Särskilt när det är lunch här på kontoret. Vad gör man av en citron, pepparrot på tub, två ledsna skivor rostbröd och en burk kapris?

(Bilden ovan är ritad för en krönika i tidningen Mersmak.)


Lately. The wallpainting from Konditori Kungstornet i Stockholm. The lamp and the Eva Lindström drawing was found here. (The drawing taped to the back of a tin locker.)


I morgon (25 maj) läser jag två gånger på Junibackens bilderboksfestival, Stockholm! 
Det händer mycket spännande där, både lördag och söndag, så välkomna dit!

Program här.


I naturen. Det växer och det dör.
Inspiration! This film about Mark Hearld. From St Jude's Prints.
Tack, Kristina!


Sista veckan att se Enter the Wild, av Lisa Jeannin och Rolf Shuurmans
Passagen Linköpings konsthall. Pågår t o m den 25:e maj. 
Så spännande! Så roligt! Så bra!  
Arbetarbladet, idag kl 13.


Utanför skiner solen och fåglar kvittrar, men det är kallt i Sverige.
Skriv på för de hungerstrejkande barnen och ungdomarna utanför migrationsverket i Gävle. Låt dem stanna!

"De förlorar hoppet och blir desperata", artikel i DN, 12 nov 2013


Look! Babs and Agneta are now happy mothers of two!
Will there be more chickens during the coming days?


Våren! Vilken grej!


What the hens are doing at the moment: 
The rooster and Elvis are sand bathing in all of our plots.
Agneta shares the brooding responsibility with Babs. 
(But still no chickens, so today I borrowed some of the eggs down to the basement and looked through their shells with an egg lamp. And there, in the dark, I could se at least one chicken heart beating close to the shell! So we will wait. For some more days.)


Walking home from a yoga class in Västervik. 
Everything is so... blue.



I was interviewed by a local newspaper a while ago, and when there was time for photographing I thought of the portrait of Ebba Witt-Brattström, from an article in Dagens Nyheter. Lotta Gometz took the photo of me. Who photographed Ebba Witt-Brattström 1970 the paper doesn't tell. 


the publisher is Rue du Monde.


Many years ago, Jakob and I were lucky to receive a scholarship that took us all the way to Havana, Cuba. For 4 months we stayed in a house near the Malecón. We drew and wrote, took Salsa lessons, found out where the best Mojitos were made, learned the art of queuing the Cuban way and travelled by the slow train across the country. This gypsum mermaid was the only thing we bought and brought with us from the trip. She still watches over us.


No chickens yet. (Babs is still lying there.)
But a new pillow in the sofa, pattern by Kristina Digman
produced by Kisek.


Flowers. The colors!
Forgotten links: 
One of the best things from Bologna Book Fair; the very big book Mapa
made by Polish Aleksandra and Daniel Mizielińscy, Hipopotam Studio.
(Aleksandra and Daniel also made the book 1000 Polish Book Covers.)