The magazine INDUSTRIA, issues from 1958, 1959 and 1960. Covers by artists as Stig Lindberg and Pelle Åberg. Illustrations made by, for example, Helga Henschen. Those covers, those covers...
Some things were better in the past.
Some earlier covers here.
Om Katja of Sweden, svtplay, Antikmagasinet igår. Jag blev så inspirerad!
Drawing myself back to work. Necessary, after a long summer break. No pens. No pieces of papers.
This day I have been playing with brown paper bags, from early morning until now. A fun day, with a luxurious twist! Tomorrow I will grab hold of other kinds of pencils, the serious ones...
Lilli Carré
Lilli´s videos!
Summer holiday is over. And today is the first day at work, after summer days with family, friends, chickens, tomatoes, cucumbers and beens. (From our house we can see the white cross in the last photo. We think someone´s beloved dog, or cat, is buried there, under the oak trees.)
People in Barcelona 2011
Ylva Källström-Eklund
Another finding. Nu har Kalle fått en liten syster, book by Barbro Lindgren, containing her wonderful black-and-white illustrations. This book was first printed in 1970. I hope the publishing house some day will reprint all the books written and illustrated by this author/artist.
Hur Astrid inspirerade Barbro
Findings that recently made me happy. From flea markets close to where I live and far away.
A very short trip to Stockholm. Among other nice things, I was given the wonderful opportunity to listen to the settings of my verses from my book Tänk om... Performed by a composer and a singer. Very exciting and a great honor! Hope to share it with you sometime in the future.
Hilding Linnqvists arkiv 11/8—27/11 2011, Marabouparken
A cushion cover (wool embroidery) made by my mother-in-law.
Åkdyna, "Krukor med hjort" 1798 från Torna härad. 60 x 117 cm.
Sticka vantar till en utomjording!
Suddenly the height of the summer is gone, the air is a bit cooler and soon there will be school and work and early mornings. We spend the last days of summer holiday at home, surrounded by Dunet (pic 2 and 3) and the other chickens.
GLÖM INTE ÖSTRA AFRIKA!!! Röda korset, Unicef, Läkare utan gränser.
There is a nice museum in Eksjö, now showing Albert Engström and handicraft from Småland. The hood in the last picture is so very beautiful! I don´t think there´s anything more inspiring to me than this kind of folk handicraft.
Till bokstaven I i Albert Engströms alfabet (bilden på damen och mannen med den röda näsan) hör texten:
I Paris´schangtila salar
värsta buse franska talar
(Ibland liknar Albert Engströms tuschlinjer Loka Kanarps, tycker jag.)
From different flea markets (and one café). In the small town Väderstad, the wooden figures (made by an anonymous sculptor) were busy baking and chopping firewood...