The number of people belonging to the Royal Paper-bag Family are increasing. Who are they? What´s in the letter delivered in secrecy by the Royal Postman? Ink drawings on paper bags for a small exhibition that will be held in Magasinet, Mörtfors, Saturday until Sunday (May 2nd and May 3rd). From 11:00 to 18:00. (Event is called E-Art and there will be exhibitions all along the highway E22. In Mörtfors you will also find work by Erik Heybroek, Christina Lokrantz and Johnny Franzén.) Welcome!
You don´t bring this Circus-book by Taschen with you on the train, unless you buy an extra seat for it. It is huge. And heavy. But so inspiring! Some net bookshops sell it also.
This book by Emma Adbåge has such wonderful summer feeling in every page! You can sense the burning sun, smell the suncream and almost taste the warm and sandy biscuits. Rest of photos are from an almost summerish walk in the forest yesterday.
From other parts of the world:
Eric Lafforgue on flickr. And his website.
And WOW! Circus Violet!!!
Sun, tulips, damson trees in bloom, and the framed print made by Moa Hoff (for the Berns exhibition) is finally up.
Yara Kono (again)
Planeta Tangerina (again)
First: My last illustration for magazine Coop Mersmak. One carpet beetle says to the other: This knitted cardy tastes like lamb, don´t you think?
Second: A last chance to go see the exhibition at Berns (with illustrations by illustrators from Söderberg Agentur.) Show continues until April 29. That last day from 17:00 to 18:30 there will be a small reception, so welcome if you are in Stockholm then! (I will not be there though.) Wrote about the show earlier.
Happy Weekend!
I´m happy not to desire this or this. Or even this. The pictures above show things I like and recently found. From the Saturday flea market excursion.
(The shoes turned out to be truly magical. When I put my big feet, size 41/US size 8, in them they immediately transform into size 37! And the nose! It was really a bargain! )
The Museum of Found Photographs, group on flickr.
Found Polaroids. Also on flickr.
Ingela was here. A nice weekend! A visit to Tre Århundraden in Berga, one of my favourite cafés and antique shops, and then some serious hard core diving into the darkest corners of the most hidden flea markets in Småland. Top pic shows Ingelas wonderful book. See more on her blog.
PS: Måndagsmöte med Jakob på Bokhora idag. DS
Mornings. Strange light. And all the new sounds! The rustling under leafs. Woodpeckers pecking. Cranes trumpeting.
She is so good! Denise Grünstein!
Easter (my favorite feast!) is over. This long weekend has contained a lot of sun, frogs, lizards and friends. While waiting for outdoor seeds to start growing these sprouting seeds in the window makes me happy! Just spread on wet kitchen paper in a water tight bowl and cut the sprouts after one or two weeks.
Vit senap
Artikel om groddning här.
New glass illustrations to be sand blasted, lots of paper plates to pile, empty brown paperbags to put upside-down. An ordinary day at work.
Sign for Dawit Isaak.
Sailing with Lola. Picked her up in Denmark some weeks ago. Everything went well.
Other boats: Postcard Ships on flickr.
The Titanic Series by Peter Selgin (discovered thanks to Anne Kristin.)
Back to nature! I rather explore my garden than sailing around the world looking for new discoveries, like yesterday. (Still seasick...)
Lena Israelssons Kål & Krasse
Handbok för köksträdgården.