Many of them look so life-like (anyway the ones who still have their heads in place...) Some of the marble people you are almost sure you have met. Somewhere, not a very long time ago. (Like the man in the third pic from the bottom. I think he is an electrician, living not so far away from Mörtfors.) Photos from Glyptoteket, Copenhagen.
Midsummer Eve we spent here, at Tivoli, Copenhagen. I like it a lot when dusk falls over the park, and all the lamps light up. ALL the lamps!
Tivoli-det muntre hjörne, flickr
Tivoli, a long time ago
From Tassenmuseum, the Museum of Bags and Purses. Always inspiring when so many expressions evolute from the same kind of item, isnt't it? Also beautiful, and fun: the ship-handbag, the telephone-handbag, the Schiaparelli-hat and the champagne on ice-handbag.
Stil i P1 om Elsa Schiaparelli.
We took the train to Amsterdam. Just a couple of days but a nice vacation. Walked, ate, visited some good places, like the Rijksmuseum, foam and the Tassenmuseum. More pictures tomorrow.
Sometimes, walking through the book department in a store, you can get childishly happy when you find your book placed next to a particularly pleasant neighbour, like Miroslav Sasek and his This Is-series.
Hens. Again. This time out on a sunny stroll in the close neighbourhood.
On a small knoll in the garden we have our own (very home built) version of the Hermit's hut (the last pic). If you are not too big, you can squeeze yourself in through the narrow doorway, and sit hiding from the rest of the world. If there is a day like that.
Mer om Eremitens Koja a la Mats Theselius. Och hans lite större Eremitaget.
This silhouette theatre (above) performed for me on my way to work the other day.
Silhouette Masterpiece Theatre + Shadow Hands on youtube
A small trip through Småland and a stop at Huseby Bruk (where the pigs and the hens lived) before we visited the 60s! In Lessebo! (60-talet har t o m en hemsida.) The bathing trunks were found on a wall in the old shop in Huseby. Will we ever see this Tarzan-fashion again? Now; some tiny days left before it is summer vacation for the children.
Wednesday, walking home from work. Can it be much more pre-summerish than this? Mosquitos buzzing in the low grass, rodents (or snakes?) rustling under dry leafs, birds singing. But this was yesterday. Now, time for indoor work. Soon, very soon, it is summer holiday.
Papercut dress, Béatrice Coron