
Some more images from this weekend. (The flea market in Berga once AGAIN.) Three good findings: Oil painting with white ducks, bracelet and an lower jaw-ashtray! (The last two pictures are from outside the flea market close to Berga railway station.)

Sanderson 50s Fabrics, the pattern Hayward


Spent Mother's day in Berga. Café Tre Århundraden (or Affe's Café as it is called), together with my mother-in-law, eating Kent Special while preparing for the flea markets.

Men hallå Lena Adelsohn Liljeroth! Om hotet mot biblioteksersättningen.

Formgivare, passa på! Polarforskningssekretariatet utlyser konstnärsstipendium!


A quick trip to town. Ran in to Jenny's Vintage and came back home with these two. And a salad. And a haircut.

Sock designers

My Vintage Vogue


A cow in the garden. At least once a year we have this kind of visit. This time the cow was very curious about the chickens and the rooster. We had to lock them in while waiting for the farmer to assist.

This book, Kubbes museum (by Ashild Kanstad Johnsen, Rabén & Sjögren) looks nice!

Och Emma Adbåge tipsar om mjukis-stubbe:)


Season premiere, Mörtfors Pensionat. The painting is made by Erik Heybroek, the pastries by the new holders of the guesthouse.


Följande fann jag i en av mina söners kontaktböcker, från torsdag den 14 april: " Vi såg agne med ketchup i pannan. Vi skrämde fåglar i gesten". Agne är präst i Misterhults församling, och Gästern är en anlagd våtmark utanför Misterhult (där fåglar skådas i lugn och kontemplativ ro). Vad gör de egentligen i skolan, barnen? Underst: När spam blir till (dadaistisk?) poesi; "Jag är en av de få som fortfarande tror på vänskap, kärlek, tillit och skyltar"...

En massa bra på Öppet arkiv, svt, t ex om Torun Bülow-Hübe

Mer av Torun här.


Photos from this morning. The cows are back in the fields just next to our house. Always a pleasant surprise, when opening the door and our summer neighbors have returned. The illustration I made for an ad for Arla, a big Swedish dairy, some weeks ago. (To the map Arla added all their farmyards situated in Mälardalen, Sweden.)

Happy cows/kosläpp!


Café Långvården; kanske inte världens bästa namn på ett fik? Eller så är det helt rätt? Hett? Sticker i alla fall ut.

På söndag 22 maj serverar Panget smörrebröd och bakverk. (Turista Hemma)

Favoritfik och loppis i Berga, Tre Århundraden.

Back to English again in the next post.


1. My bag. I'm that kind of person who spend a big part of life standing on my head in dark and distant nooks of my handbag, looking for things I can't find. I'm always carrying around too many things and I'm happy to (still) have a back I can trust. This is what I found during the last handbag excavation: 2. Bracelet made by one of my sons + flea market brooch. 3. A pair of shoes. 4. Cap and gloves. (Weather is unpredictable.) 5. Porcelain plait (on its way back to my mother-in-law.) 6. Bread. (Some time ago I found half a loaf in the bottom of my bag. Covered with mould, of course, but the children, who wanted to feed the ducks at that moment, were happy.) 7. The best book about Kerala. (Got it back from a friend last week. Forgot to take it out.) 8. Make-up stuff. 9. Purse. (My favourite model, the same as amusement park workers use when selling tickets.) 10. Specs, key and other small things. 11. Note books, memory stick. 12. Charging cables. 13. My 11-inch Mac. I have never loved A THING as much as I love this computer. Carrying it with me all the time. Use it on busses, trains, cafes... 14. A rhyme dictionary. 15. A mortar.
And two links! Jonas Peterson, wedding photographer (found via a friend. Thank you A!) Watch his portfolio! (Slideshow, Andy & Cecilia, Swedish wedding)
Filmarkivet, hundra år i rörliga bilder. (Förnuftig fritid. Sandviken 1946.)