Pictures from those hectic days away from home. But now I´m back, sitting at the dinner table, trying to get some illustration work done. Weather feels like spring! The children are out feeding Sylvia and her friends with ugnspannkaka (dictionary tells me ungnspannkaka is almost the same as batter pudding.) Hope your Sunday is also a nice one!
Days in Stockholm. These pictures are from passed windows in an early walk this morning. The last one, the embroidery, was seen through an antique shop window. The artwork is made by Sten Kauppi, a Swedish artist that I, until now, had never heard of. I will look for more!
These colors in the mornings! Time to wear gloves when photo-graphing.
Old-Picture Themes
And again; The Book Cover Archive!
Blue Saturday; rain and a slow tempo. The picture in the middle shows the coolest tattoo I have ever seen. You´ll find it on the upper arm of one of the two carpenters in Mörtfors. I don´t have a tattoo myself, and I´m pretty sure I will never get me one. I´m scared I would quickly get tired of my chosen motif, so I prefer the sticky label tattoos. IF I, anyhow, had to choose a permanent one, I would definitely pick the motif of that china decoration on the last pic. I think...
Captain Elvy, 1943
My illustrations to three songs in the very new book Den skimrande barnkammarboken, published by Bonnier Carlsen.
Helga Henschens illustrationer i Gula Visboken och Gröna Visboken! Så fina!
Flowers, from my Monday in Stockholm. The last pic is from my hotel room at this hotel, where they served a breakfast from heaven!
More nice flowers; at Rifle Paper Co.
Moa! Hoff!
My children´s book Tänk om... is nominated for the Swedish book prize Augustpriset 2010. We are so happy, my book and I!
Från Rabén & Sjögren är även Sofia Nordins bok Det händer nu nominerad! Både Sofia och jag har följt med det lilla, fina bokförlaget Eriksson & Lindgren till Rabén.
Alla nominerade och motiveringar här.
Kulturnyheterna från igår, svtplay.
A shell and a baby. That´s all.
(If you are in Florida you could visit The Bailey-Matthews Shell Museum!
Antique Shell Postcards)
I was happy when I found these postcards (photography by Lennart Arvidsson) showing the well-known (?) Torsåstuppen.
Torsåstuppen is a very common sight here in Mörtfors where I live. If you take a walk around the village, at least one wooden rooster will stare back at you from every window. Sometimes I even dream of them at night. And I wake up all sweaty... One wooden rooster is nothing to be afraid of, but a gang of 100 certainly is a bit scary.
Svensk slöjd
Folkdräkt av Ida Björs
A visit. To Sandviken. In the last picture: a dear 90-year-old and a dear 11-year-old trying to solve a crossword.
Furuviksbarnen. De var så modiga.
The walks to work is extra nice, this time of the year. The smell of apples and soil. And the very typically Mörtfors trees (always forget the name of it) have got themselves nice swagging plumes in purple.
The ice book is added to my webshop.
Gamla Stan, 1942 (SVTplay). Tiden har stått stilla.
Just a little bit more from my ice book Kalla fakta om is/Cold facts about ice, which is out today! When drawing the picture atop, I was inspired by all the wonderful Inuit artwork found in books like this one. My book contains about 1265 links to tiny parts of ink drawings that I have made, put together (and colored) in InDesign. A fun way of working, fun but... time-consuming. And now I want to start working with the follow-up. I´m happy to have a very poor memory!