
Illustrations made for Karavan and a small book that followed together with this last issue of the magazine. The stories I have illustrated are comical Indian tales about Akbar and Birbal. I like those two characters. And I like the inspiring research work!


Jakob is at the Gothenburg book fair, receiving the Maria Gripe-award and working place is a lot more quiet than it usually is. A peek into his room? Here are 3 photos published earlier this year in a magazine for a bookclub. The most thrilling in my life at the moment? Well, a mail like this one (last pic) cheers up the day! Have a nice weekend!

And enjoy the illustrations of Russel Cobb!


I feel so sad thinking about a world where a high school student can get himself permission to carry an advanced shooting gun. Feel sad thinking about how someone can slip out of hands of family, kindred, society, so badly that a tragedy like the one in Kauhajoki can happen.

Reding articles for an illustration (above) to the latest issue of the magazine for BRIS (Children´s Rights in Society) makes me realize that far too many boys and young men today are carrying feelings of huge self-contempt and confusion...


Vilken oändlig tur att det finns meningsfulla saker för oss kvinnor att fylla vår tid med! The ad in the newspaper says: Learn how to walk in high heels! I say: Such luck there are meaningful things for us women to do in our spare time! The girl above says: I will go far in these!


This weekend: a small but very wished-for autumn vacation. Somehow, surroundings reminded me of the film: Tales of Beatrix Potter.


The road bridge to Mörtfors community has been closed for fixup and the cabin trunk (top pic) is our temporary letterbox this week. Nice to take a walk to the Guesthouse porch to put your outgoing mail in this old suitcase! The sandblasted window glasses are made by me for the Guesthouse kitchen. Last pic; today is definitely a tweed-Friday.

See you on Monday!

Go visit Irene Schoch!


At work today; ink dogs, pattern for blasted glass works, lists with new ideas, sandwiches with brought along jam, and an hopelessly empty fridge.

Music: Pelle Carlberg

Talking Heads
Talking Heads again


Höst. Tomater, plommon, och fåglar som bland gulnande löv piper: Tweeed-tweed-tweed. Jag gillar hösten. Och jag gillar tweed.

Autumn. Tomatoes, plums, and in the trees the birds go:
Tweeed-tweed-tweed. I like autumn. And I like tweed.

My website has been updated today.


Västervik på en söndag. Västervik on a Sunday.

Hör Susanne Björkmans dokumentär: Vad är det ni tjejer vill egentligen? Om livet som kvinnlig journalist på Aftonbladet för 30 år sedan.


Snygg omslagsbild (Jäntsnörspan!) av Ida Björs till senaste Provins, ett temanummer om Landskapet i skapandet, som bl a min syster Anna varit redaktör för. Jag har illustrerat en novell av Anna-Clara Tidholm. Skriv mer för vuxna, Anna-Clara! Snälla!

Provins, a swedish magazine, this time edited by my sister Anna, and with a nice cover by illustrator Ida Björs.


Jag inbillar mig att om jag ritar mig igenom alla de här bilderna a la farfarshumor, så kommer det att finnas någonting annat där bakom. Nåt roligare. Men tänk om det inte gör det?

Imagining that behind these not very funny (and not by me translatable) drawings there will be something more homoristic waiting. But what if I´m wrong?

I love

Steven Appleby

Jan Stenmark


                      I prefer the calm before the storm.


Jo, det är höst. Yes, it´s autumn.

Se Lars Tunbjörk.


Regnig helg. Inte ens småbilarna vill ut och köra.
Rainy weekend. The toy cars and us stay indoors.

Dave Plunkert

Gwenda Kaczor


Torra skämtteckningar som inte är särskilt roliga har börjat att pocka på, och jag kan tyvärr inte stå emot... Antar att det är lika bra att få ur sig dem. (Apropå den översta bilden.)

Och äntligen har den kommit. Eksons postorderkatalog! Några godbitar:

Var på din vakt om du möter dessa i någon form! Vill du förnya dig för endast 39 pix, kolla in de här. Klädbryderier om morgnarna? Inte längre om du blir ägare av den här! Och alldeles lagom med valmöjligheter; det gillar jag! Här och här. Favorit i repris.

Can´t translate the text in my illustration above. Photo is from a fun masquerade catalogue. Have written about it earlier (in June).


Jakobs new book is out! Take a look, it is so great!!!


Det är roligt på jobbet, mycket att göra. Men otåligt. Jag vill göra ALLT! NU!

Fun at work, lots to do. But I´m impatient. Want to do everything now!

By the way; where did this nice Martin Haake-link come from? Was it maybe from Lisen, Emma, Camilla, Sandra or Elisabeth?
