
Animals at work. 1. The centipede was made for an anthology, but had to stay at home instead of going with the other illustrations to the printer last week. 2. A piped down crocodile. 3. A recently bought oil painting picturing two... roe deers?

Meg Hunt, animals
Speto; more animals


Skriv på namninsamlingen för att göra Barnkonventionen till svensk lag! Insamlingen pågår till 1 februari.

The Picture Book Proclamation, from the blog of super talented Carson Ellis.


Mörtfors. January 24, 2012. 16:00

Salvador and Pablo are here! Made by Ingela

Mariann Maray


Cold outside, but indoors (at this place) there is a fire burning in the fireplace and the bread is warm and freshly baked. More eating then writing, maybe, but surely a couple of nice hours.

Dokumentären Fem rätters liv, K special, finns att se t o m 29 jan. Så bra. Missa inte!


A page from my sketch book. Today, outside my window, I heard birds singing as if it was spring time!

Liten artikel om Ingamaj och mig, i Västervikstidningen.


A happy salute! It is work time again! Some images from my office. On the cupboards; cards and booklets from (among others) Kristina Digman, Malota and Yelena Bryksenkova. On my work desk; teacup, ink, bracelet, cake. I have everything I need!

Ännu en fin recension av Ingamaj, Arbetarbladet, idag 16/1.

Boken om Ingamaj finns nu även hos de flesta internetbokhandlar,
som t. ex. Adlibris och Bokus.


Back from a travel to Sandviken and Gävle. Pics from Länsmuseet Gävleborg, a museum I sadly have not been visiting for a long time. Now I found an exhibition showing items from Gefle Porslinsfabrik (ornamentation by Eugen Trost, among others) and some nice textile prints by Sven Wranér, former town architect. (Pic 2)
This while waiting for the train.

En fin Ingamaj-recension i Gefle Dagblad från i fredags, fredagen den 13:e, som var bokens första recensionsdag. And THANK YOU very much for your orders lately!


A new year! A new book! Ingamaj is an illustrated story for grown-ups (written in Swedish) about broken dreams and small town life. Ingamaj can be purchased through my shop. (Remember the first roughs showing Ingamaj?)
Berättelsen om Ingamaj är ett illustrerat skillingtryck om falnande förväntningar, brustna drömmar i småstadsmiljö och om livets obönhörliga framfart.
40 sidor, inbunden, 120 x 150 mm. Sprillans utgiven av Ritförlaget.

Ingamaj finns i min shop från och med idag (och från nästa vecka även i de större nätbokhandlarna.)