
Winter is still master in the house. And outside. Roofs are falling in. You need to keep your feet warm. How I like when ordinary things in your everyday life suddenly surprise you with a message, like the one following these plain looking wool socks. "Your feet will be astounded!"

Weirdfriends via Bird & Banner.


Ok, Mr Winter, the message is clear. No spring this year. This morning: 30 degrees Celsius below zero! You don´t have to convince me again...


Postcards from Sandviken as the small town looked when I was very young. This was before the building of big arenas, before Melodifestivalen, before big public adventure swimming baths. This was a time of slag stones, Erskine and elaborated public flower arrangements. And look at those streetlamps!


These pens are the best pens I have ever used! Illustrators! Try them! They are refillable.


I like museum shops! But you won´t find them in Mörtfors... A couple of days ago I visited the Tate Shop. A ruler brooch, a Sara Fanelli sketchbook and cut out animals by Alice Melvin arrived here yesterday.


Sherlock Holmes Museum Shop

Någonting alldeles annat: Har du sett den här bilen?


Those small Swedish train stations... And there are even some of them who are still open for frozen travellers to warm. Berga is one of those stations. But the ticket window with its sticker from 1975 (first photo) is closed since many years... Rest of the pictures from a nice trip to Stockholm where Jakob is showing his illustrations at Seriegalleriet.

Have you seen this interesting video with Julia Rothman?



I´m working on this book about ice, you know. It will be published by Opal and it will be a book for children, but also for us grown ups who want to know EVERYTHING about ice. IF you catch sight of something interesting about ice I would be more than happy if you would like to share that with me! My mail address here. Thanks a lot!

Letters above from Shackleton and Amundsen.

Nordpolen Conditori


Longing for spring! Until snow is gone and the first snowdrops shows, I keep staring at my pillow with flower embroidery here at work.

Something else: Footballers by Jack Teagle


Inspiration: Landscape paintings (this one by Alf Jarnestad.) And wooden sculptures hiding on flea market shelves. (A part of my collection of rescued wooden men and women.)
Wooden sneakers by Paul Coudamy. Photo by Benjamin Boccas.
Mixed expressions by Anu Tuominen. (Last two links from Kurbits).


Really good bedtime stories urge us to leave the light on, just some more minutes. And some more... I want to read, for H and B, everything written by the Swedish author Gunnel Linde. Her books are hard to find though. But luckily you can borrow them at the library. And buy some of them here. Children´s book publishers out there, please print her books again! Pictures from "Jag är en varulvsunge" (I Am A Werewolf Cub) Illustrations by Hans Arnold.

Gunnel Linde was also one of the founders of BRIS (Children's Rights in Society).


Cups to compensate clumsiness. I often accidentally break porcelain to pieces. I´m a fumbling person who likes to mix patterns, so collecting disparate blue and white china is ... my cup of tea. (Sorry, can´t help it.)

And tattoos! For us who would not ever even consider a real one.
Or a costume?


... and Anna asked me some good questions about creativity over at her place, which I linked to earlier today, Pencil & Pipette.